13 Jul 2012

Saving Your site from Hackers

If you wake up in the morning, opens your site, and come to know that your site has been hacked by someone. This is the biggest pain in the world for a Web Designer. Often happens to people that people don`t know about the security.  It is necessary to keep your stuff away from hackers to keep you safe from Hackers.

Remember these tips to save your site form hackers.
Even if your business is small Hackers would not leave your site. Hacking is their profession and you can be a victim even if you are running a new or tiny business site. The Hackers uses automated programs top hack your sites. They get payment on every single hacking. 

Hosting company will help you a lot to save you from hackers. If the hosting company is not trusted one, you are going to loss security.
Never save your ftp host logins on computer. There is a chance that anyone who access your computer will hack your logins.
Keep your system` s antivirus and content management system updated.
Hiring a hacker is one of tips to save your site from hacker.  A hacker can not only hack sites but he can also help you to retrieve your data from hackers.

Consider the following query:
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = '" + parameter + "';"
If the attacker adds 1'='1 the code will look like this:
"SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = '' OR '1'='1';"

This allows attackers to add an extra query. So the work will be easy for them. Using a parameterized query will help you saving your query.

During the creation of a form always ensure that the data is being submitted and strip out HTML.
Users should not be able to add the passwords or any other information more than 5 times. If the hacker is entering the wrong data into the form the form should give a message and block the user. This is one of the ways to save your site from hackers. 

Sometimes you yourself handle over your site to someone and he hacks it. If you are giving your site`s logins to any company who is going to design your site, remember to change the logins detail after that your site have been designed. Keep the things as secure as you can. 

These are just few tips. However if you are a programmer you should include more secure ways of coding to the sites. Remember! Retrieve your site from hackers is not that easy. So be attentive for every single step. 


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