21 Jun 2012

Better ranking with META tags

If you are a web developer or designer, you must know about Meta tags. People sometimes just use it without knowing about it. While some people even don`t have any idea about it.
 Meta tag is one of the code forms that we put after the title tag. This is one of the common codes with the reference to SEO. When we talk about Meta tags, there are generally two forms need to consider Meta description and Meta keyword. There are some other Meta tags also. Meta http-equiv tag, Meta refresh tag, the meta robots tag, the meta copyright tag, and the meta author tag, etc.

Meta description:
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Your descriptive sentence or two goes here.">

Here Nofollow will not be use as rel=”nofollow”.

Meta Keywords:
<meta name="keywords">

Meta keywords allow us to define some of the keywords from the context of the page.
Meta Tags have a great relation with the search engines. Usually these tags are hidden from users.
People think that whatever they put into the Meta description will appear as the default description on Search Engines, while this is not always the case. If you search on Google a site it will show the first 20-25 words of the site page as Meta description. But if you have listed your site in Dmoz Directory, and are not using “noodp tag”, they will make the default description to that.  People will not always search for the complete site address. So you need to optimize the keywords. So be sure to use Meta tags. 

If you have not defines the Meta tags, search engines will extract some of the tags out from your page.  But people believe that using of the Meta Tag is important because it helps to rank you in search engines.  It is an efficient way to rank into the search engines. I personally think that you should use this in the HTML of every page.
If you are going to share your page on Facebook or Google+, and your page have Meta description there is more chance to get more likes. There are some tools also those allows you to generate your site Meta tag. So guys you should must take some time to write Meta description because more likes will lead to high ranking on Search Engines.


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