Graphic Design

Graphic Designing Tools and Tips. Photoshop Tools and Tutorials. Inspiration With Cool Graphics like Wallpapers, Templates and Websites etc...

25 Dec 2012

Photoshop vs Lightroom | Graphic Designers Concentrate

Taking the popularity case, Photoshop is one of the popular tools for a Graphic Design projects, but there is a tool Light room which is getting popular among the Graphic designer for the image editing. I think that this is pretty difficult to say which one of them (Photoshop or Lightroom) is the best for a Photographer or Graphic Designer. I think that both of...

21 Dec 2012

Top 10 Remarkable web 2.0 Logo Designs Tutorial

When we talk about logo design, why not Web 2.0 logos? These logos are nothing but the more stylish and elegant way to present your company.  Web 2.0 logos are eye catchy stuff with rounded corner, gradient, shadows and some glow as well. The main properties of such logos are Gradient effect and Shiny surface. These logos based on the shapes like rounds, bubbles,...

20 Dec 2012

Top 5 Online Truck Games Free to Play

Do you play online Games? There are thousands of online games available to play on your browser. Every kind of game is available online. But I think that Forklift and Lift Trucks games are unique and quite different in the gaming category. Usually these are called boys games, because Boys love racing or action games. During the last some years some of the excellent...

19 Dec 2012

Best Of Social Media Icon Sets For Your Website

Social Media is one of the most important parts of every website nowadays. It is not only helpful in connecting world through different social media platforms, but also it helps in generating revenue by pushing the website to the top page of Google. No matter whatever is the nature of your business (Graphic Design, Property Management or even you are a singer)...

12 Dec 2012

Top 5 Android Based Smart Phones

Android is one of the Fastest growing OS now days. Many mobile companies are integrating this OS in their up coming phones. Like Samsung, HTC and other popular mobile phone companies. This has not just made their phones usability smart but also helped them in a great manner to generate the large revenue as people are falling in love with android phones, Tablets...

6 Dec 2012

10 Best Examples of Corporate Identity Design

Good Corporate Identity design for a company is one that can help you improve your business in one of the excellent ways. This can include Poster, Flyers and Pens, Envelope or anything that suits better your corporation. Beautiful designs not only satisfy yourself but also will satisfy your customers and employees to pull them toward your business.That is why it...

4 Dec 2012

Best Examples-Based Random Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop is one of the basic needs of every designer. I started my career by taking online Photoshop tutorials videos. With the passage of time I learned most of the Photoshop tools usage. But it was not easy to utilize every tool in the tricky manner like every professional do. So I started to pick some online tutorial to create something marvelous in Photosh...

20 Nov 2012

Beginners Guide for PHP | Syntax and Variables

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages these days. For a website designer and developer it is recommended to learn this form basic to advance level. In the series of our blogs of web development and design I will try my best to make you learn PHP in one of the easiest ways. Before you start you have to know some important starting points for PHP. PHP...

19 Nov 2012

Top 5 Free Christmas Blogger Templates

Christmas is so near. You may have planned too many ideas to enjoy this fabulous occasion. But have you decided ever to turn you blog into fabulous Christmas theme? This will be a great thing to do so. It is a way to attract your visitors also. I am bringing here some exciting Christmas blogger templates for every blogger, which I have collected so far. Must have...

15 Nov 2012

Top Free Games for Android Phones and Tablets

Do you have android phone or other android touch device? I think that without games your device is totally boring. Searching for games on android is really a difficult task if you have no idea of which game is most popular or more interesting. If you enter into the android store you may find 1000`s of games free and paid to download. But downloading a game without...

5 Nov 2012

Top 12 Tricky Google Searches

The biggest search engine Google is not just a search engine; sometimes it reacts as an interesting program.  We search so many things on Google on daily basis but we might don`t know about tricky searches. There are some hidden ways of Google searches that presents unique results. Have a look on these searches and do try. ...

31 Oct 2012

10 Best Halloween Websites

This is Halloween 2012. I hope everyone is searching for some unique ideas, games and Costumes to get ready at this horrible event. For that purpose I am sure that you need some exciting Halloween sites. If you look around on Google you may find them but not exactly what you are looking in a Halloween site. So here I am sharing a list Halloween Sites. You can collect...

24 Oct 2012

Free Ultimate Blogger Templates For your Blog

Blogger template is something that can make your blog interesting and more attractive for your visitors. By using a well-designed and optimized trendy template your blog rating can also increase in search engines. There are some templates that Blogger itself provide you. But these are not enough to make a better design. So for this purpose there are thousands of niche...

22 Oct 2012

Relevant Posts Thumbnail Widget for Bloggers

  Whenever you visit some nice blog post you must see a relevant post section in the bottom of that post. This not only looks nice but this would also help your readers to surf your more posts relevant to that particular material. This is also helpful for SEO.  In case blogger you would not find any particular widget to add, which could show relevant posts...

19 Oct 2012

10 Awful Photo editing mistakes

This is a funny and awful truth that even trained and experienced designers sometimes do a very huge mistake. Some mistakes they do are easily identifiable, while some of them are even ignored by their team leaders. This is happened too many times in this world that a lot of pictures get publish without noticing these mistakes. Some of these mistakes are really...

15 Oct 2012

Facebook Smileys Short Text Codes

Hello everyone, Last night I opened my Facebook Account. It was really exciting to see that when I commented one of my friend`s wall along with :) this text, it turned into face. Earlier Facebook was presenting these real smileys for Chat only. But now they are awarding these chat emoticons in comments also.This thing made me so glad and I decided to share the smileys...

11 Oct 2012

15 Great CSS Menu Bar Techniques and Tutorials

Menu bar of your website plays an important role for user to navigate through other pages. In a website usually these are placed on the top of the page. These are important and you can style them simply through CSS, Jquery, Flash or by creating your bar in Photoshop first and then import that through CSS. Hence a designer have numerous options to style the menu bar...

10 Oct 2012

Common Diseases in Web designers | Precautions for Designers

Web designing is an interesting profession. This is a profession that is getting popular so fast and people are making money through this profession so fast. But there are some diseases that are commonly found in the web designers. No need to scare, because I am also sharing the precautions to these diseases. ...

8 Oct 2012

Top Tips for Bloggers | Dos and Don `ts

Blogging can be your profession or your interest. Those who are professional blogger needs to be careful, especially if they are writing blogs for SEO. There are many tips you are required to follow when you are a professional blogger to save your blog from scam, spam and any other loss. Whatever platform you are choosing for writing you should follow the following...

2 Oct 2012

Top 10 Heavy Machine and Construction Websites

Website surfing and finding unique material for my visitors is one of my favorite hobbies. I am a Web designer and developer basically, But I love to search something totally opposite to my field of work, and sharing that for public. Today I have collected top 10 best sites that are relevant to Heavy Machine. I am including some Forklift Service, Plumbing, Construction websites...

25 Sept 2012

10 Free Fonts for Designers and Developers

Fonts are the most powerful designing technique for your website or other document. For a genuine typist “Arial, Times New Roman or Veranda” is helpful fonts. But for a web designer or Graphic Designer the built in Windows fonts are not enough. They are required to add some more crunches in their writing. So here I am sharing some excellent fonts I found today. You can even...

17 Sept 2012

Paul Rand (Late) | Famous Graphic Designer

I think some of you might have seen this name when searched ‘Graphic Design’ on Google. In my last couple of blogs I have explained many times that, to be successful Graphic Designer you should read about other Graphic Designer`s experiences. In that case I think let’s have a look on Paul Rand` s Life, who was a famous Graphic Designe...

14 Sept 2012

Creating Simple Navigation Through HTML/CSS

If you are a web developer or Web designer, I am sure that you know about Navigation Bar. Navigation bar is one that is most necessary part of your website. It will bring your user to the other pages of your site at a single click. You can create the menu by simply defining tag. But when style adds to it, It looks more attractive to the users. I am sharing here some CSS designs for you as a help, you can edit them and add some more code according to your requirement or choic...

11 Sept 2012

Author Bio Widget For Blogger

This Article have been moved to Adding Author Bio Widget to Blogge...

10 Sept 2012

10 Beautiful Landscape Wallpapers

 Without an excellent desktop background your computer would look so dull. So why not change your background and put there some excellent landscapes. I am presenting 10 wallpapers for your desktop. These beautiful wallpapers were chosen by our "Graphic Design" team. They have collected them from different websites. All of them are free to download and the original...

4 Sept 2012

List of 8 popular web browsers

Whether you are a Web designer, Developer, Graphic Designer or a nonprofessional computer user , browsers are something that you have to have in your computer. Perhaps that is why windows provides you Internet explorer (web browser) as it defaults. But the story not get end on just a single browser (internet explorer). There is a list of browser that can provide you...

2 Sept 2012

10 Free Graphic Design Desktop Wallpapers

My favourite wallpapers are Graphic Design Wallpapers. They look more natural and attractive. They make the desktop more alive and shiny. According to me, to make your desktop trendy you should keep changing your desktop wallpaper. My field of work is Corporate Identity Design and I have got help many times through wallpapers. Today I am sharing...

30 Aug 2012

How can a graphic desinger live stress free life?

If you are a Designer, your life can be stressful. But if you are a are a Graphic Designer your life can totally stressed out due to a lot of work pressure and work rejection sometimes. A graphic designer can spoil his whole life by taking pressure of work and working day and night. Although if he relishes his work there are chances that he will keep getting prosper....

28 Aug 2012

Selecting Graphic Design as Career

Are you a student and wondering for being a Graphic Designer in Future? In my opinion this is the smartest  choice if you are passionate for designing. According to me only those who are passionate for their career get success. If you once choose the path of Graphic Design, there are many other paths optionally available for you. This is not necessary that...

27 Aug 2012

Submit Button Styling in HTML/CSS

Submit Button is one of the main needs of every form. You can design the submit button in many of the ways. I am going to guide you here different styles of Submit Buttons you can use while creating Form.  Two options are here available for you to create button. Both will show a same "Submit" Button. <button type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button> Both...

15 Aug 2012

How to Research for Keywords?

For running a small business website SEO is one of the most popular tactic these days. To make your site popular and to get visitors on your site, SEO is a helpful work to do. The first step when you are starting SEO is keyword research. For keyword research there are a lot of things you need to consider. Here I am showing you the steps.  Whenever you are...

11 Aug 2012

Corporate Identity Design Guidelines

Before designing a Good Corporate Identity design you have to know, what the precise definition of corporate Identity design is. It is the design that speaks. It is the identity of your firm. A good firm needs to design a good corporate Identity design. But there is a chance that only large firms would able to afford it. The reason is that it is an expensive way of...

9 Aug 2012

Adding Author Bio Widget to Blogger

Preview of the widget Whenever we talk about writing a blog, the first thing you should add is Author Bio. For some blogging platforms like Wordpress you are allowed to add the Author bio plugin in many different styles with your picture...

6 Aug 2012

DropBox | a way to backup files

Do you own a wordpress blog? Have you backup of your data? No? Than think once!  What will happen if your site get hack or you lose your blog due to some technical error you done? Seriously! You are going to pay for it. I can confidently say that this would be your huge mistake ever. So you want to keep yourself away from such situation?...

31 Jul 2012

Tips to optimize your blog

Writing a blog is just an easy task. But writing a wonderful blog, which is optimized also, is not as easy task. You can write good content by having good piece of knowledge but to adjust your writing according to search engine is tricky one. To make a good Google ranking for your blog is important to increase visitors. There are many things you are required...

30 Jul 2012

Trunk Test for my site

For every web designer or developer, one of the entertaining activities is trunk test of their site to increase the usability. This is one of the excellent ways to analyze your site data. For a software engineer and a web designer Trunk test is an important activity to perform. There is no such definition of such test. However, only example can illustrate you the way...

26 Jul 2012

Graphic Design London | Jobs Platform

Are you a graphic Designer? Have you written your excellent portfolio? Now the question is that where to find the Job? Graphic Design London has a large number of employees working with it. So making your place between those is pretty tough job. Most of the Graphic Designers search jobs online. So this is so important to know about the sites those are giving opportunity...

20 Jul 2012

Tips for Hiring A Graphic Desinger

Hiring a Graphic Designer with excellent skills and creativity is one of the toughest jobs for a Grpahic design Company. This is the job where not only skills of the designer are required, but also you are required to match you mind with the designer. A designer should able to understand your concept and apply his creativity in that concept. Not every designer is able...

13 Jul 2012

Saving Your site from Hackers

If you wake up in the morning, opens your site, and come to know that your site has been hacked by someone. This is the biggest pain in the world for a Web Designer. Often happens to people that people don`t know about the security.  It is necessary to keep your stuff away from hackers to keep you safe from Hackers. Remember these tips to save your site...

12 Jul 2012

5 Best Article writing sites for SEO

After the launch of Google`s new algorithm Panda, Google have started watching your backlinks with more precise way. So you need to be more careful now for creating any kind of backlinks. According to me one of the most popular white-hat SEO technique is "Article writing" or "Blogging". There are many of the sites that gives you chance to write your article...

10 Jul 2012

Image Optimization tips for web site

Images are the appearance of your website. We add images to make our website more presentable and understandable. But this is not as simple to add the image. You should optimize the images you are going to add. By optimizing the image you can get better rank of your web page. There are some tips I am going to present here which you must follow to get better ranks....

4 Jul 2012

Styles and types of Website Navigation

You must have visited many sites. Almost all of them contain some kind of navigations. Website navigation is so important for the visitors to reach at certain page of your site without doing much effort. You should use a reliable navigation scheme from page to page, it will help your visitors to learn about site in a better way. The website navigations are kind of Road map which lead you the way to your destination. It can be found in many styles and type...

29 Jun 2012

10 Helpful Tips for Designer

Are you a designer? Do you think you are doing great Job? Well! Web design and Graphic Design, Both are tricky fields. They need a lot of attention. Poor design can simply ruin your career. Your website would not rank good and as a result you will lose everything. This is the need of every designer to read this post and know if it he is making such mistake...

25 Jun 2012

Tips to Enhance Graphic Design Skills

Being a graphic Designer is not that difficult. But being a successful graphic designer is one of the tough jobs for everyone. It is important to enhance your graphic design skills. If you are a graphic designer and not getting considerable work, don’t lose patience. I am here sharing some very excellent tips that can help you to be better graphic Designer....

21 Jun 2012

Better ranking with META tags

If you are a web developer or designer, you must know about Meta tags. People sometimes just use it without knowing about it. While some people even don`t have any idea about it.  Meta tag is one of the code forms that we put after the title tag. This is one of the common codes with the reference to SEO. When we talk about Meta tags, there are generally two forms need to consider Meta description and Meta keyword. There are some other Meta tags also. Meta http-equiv tag, Meta refresh tag, the meta robots tag, the meta copyright tag, and...

19 Jun 2012

Using Photoshop Liquify tool

If you are using Photoshop or Even learning it, you must once use Liquify Tool. It is one of the fun making tools of Photoshop. Here I am going to introduce this tool. Of course you can use this in your own way later. You are going to find this tool under Filer> Liquify or Shift + Ctrl + X When you will open it, your picture would appear in the new window....

11 Popular Tools For Visitor Stats

Knowing about your visitors daily is too much important if you own a website. This will help you to know the popularity of your website.  Less number of visitors means that your site need improvement and it is not popular yet. More popular site will rank better. Now the question is that How we can know about the visitors? The one most popular way is adding Google...

15 Jun 2012

Requirements for SEO | Tools and websites

SEO field is getting vast with the passage of time. In start people use to do everything manually. But now the things are jumping into advance level. We are fighting with Google to push our site on top results. And Google is itself providing us many tools for this purpose. In start I myself used to do everything manually.  But the tools and plug-ins have...

13 Jun 2012

Company Brochure Design Guidelines

A brochure is a small print of information about a company which usually people print for the tourist, clients and visitors. This is also given to those who visits meeting or conferences.  There are many kinds of Brochures. It can be single page, Bi-folded and tri-folded. Also sometimes it is Z-Folded and C-folded. This is the best way to inform your customers...

12 Jun 2012

Graphic Design Portfolio tips

Are you a Graphic Designer or own a Graphic Design business? Every Graphic design firm or individual should have a portfolio. To explore the work, making an attractive portfolio is necessary. The more attractive portfolio can lead you to more success. The firm should prepare an eye catchy portfolio. Three kinds of portfolios people generally create. DVD, Online and...

11 Jun 2012

HTML5 Basic Introduction

The fantastic HTML version has released. This is named as HTML5. This version will allow you to edit your website in such a new way. Somehow the work is still going on it. While most people are still using this for making their sites attractive.  HTML5 is released by W3C(World wide web consortium) and WHATWG(Web hypertext application technology working group)....

6 Jun 2012

Web design through Slice tool

Slicing of an image is a wonderful Photoshop technique.  It basically slices an image into different pieces. You can then edit or save these slices. You can use these images in your code. This would be an easy technique to change background, using picture or text etc. While writing HTML code for everything is an old and tough technique...

4 Jun 2012

create your own brush in photoshop

You have seen that people are using awesome and stylish brushes in Photoshop now a days. You yourself can easily create your own brush by just following these simple steps. What you need to do is, choose any of the image you want as a brush.  Now follow these steps: ...

27 May 2012

Layers in Photoshop | excellent way to work

A Layer in Photoshop is actually meant by one image stacked on top of another. This is useful in Photoshop to edit, fill or delete any part of the image without affecting other. Working with Layers ·         Open an image in Photoshop that you want to edit. ·         To start a new layer,...